Puma Olympics

As part of the West Yorkshire Sport drive to get people involved in sporting activities the Northorwram Pumas Running Club hosted our very own Olympic games. There was a variety of different events for all ages that both young and old could join in –here is a roundup of the days events!

BY JUDE (age 9) AND ORLAGH KENNY (age 7)

Saturday 10th September 2016 saw the first Northowram Puma Juniors Olympic games!!  

Me and my sister arrived early to “help” set up, this meant that we got to test the bouncy castle! We did this extensively and had around 30 goes just to make sure it would be ok for all the kids that were going to take part!!

1 Hour later……

The Opening Ceremony

All the kids had arrived and were getting ready to walk around the field, waving their flags, following the torch bearer, Tailia Green-Moore. All of the mums and dads, grandmas and granddads, friends and family were all clapping and cheering. Everyone was speed walking because they were all very excited about the upcoming races.

Getting ready to start the opening ceremony
Getting ready to start the opening ceremony

The first race was the obstacle course – Three, two, one….BANG!

The first set of four had started, round the first bend they went, over the hurdles then through the slalom poles towards the ladders. After the ladders they went to the cone jumps, then to the hoola hooping area – we were hoolaing like we were in Rio!!

Tackling the hurdles
Tackling the hurdles

Next we had to run full pelt to the cones then it was best for last…the bouncy castle, you had to take your shoes off as fast as you possibly could then sprint through the holes then round the inflatable cylinders and up the inflatable climbing wall then down the slide. After the bouncy castle you had to grab your shoes and do a sprint to the finish line.

And the best part.....
And the best part…..
...The bouncy castle obstacle course
…The bouncy castle obstacle course

The 100 metres

After about twelve goes on the obstacle course it was time for the relay race. Teams were being sorted out between adults and children. Here are some of my favourite names “The three men and the little lady, Team Fox, Team Puma, Team GB and just to be sneaky, Team Kenny.

Closest race was heat 3 starring Team Fox, Team Kenny and Team Alpha Wolf Squadron. The first people set off and team Alpha Wolf Squadron were leading followed by Team Kenny in second and in last was team Fox. Team Alpha Wolf Squadron had passed the baton as did team Kenny and so did team Fox. It was the last person now, Team Kenny were in last with team Fox in first. Team Kenny had to close the gap but in the end they could not quite manage to. And as they say it’s the taking part that counts! Today we really believed this as it was such good fun with everyone shouting each other on.

Jude perfecting his starting position
Jude perfecting his starting position – Paul and Georgia didn’t stand a chance!
No one was more competitive than the adults!
No one was more competitive than the adults!
On the 100m start line
On the 100m start line
Pure determination
Pure determination


Next up was the tug of war. What you had to do was get the other sides blue marked point to the middle which was marked with spraypaint. The final results were 1st Team Fox 2nd Team Flash 3rd Team Alpha Wolf Squadron.

And PULL! the tug of war competition
And PULL! the tug of war competition
Even the adults got involved
Even the adults got involved
Everyone using all their strength
Everyone using all their strength

After the mighty tug of war we had the closing ceremony where all the children that took part walked up the stairs inside of the building which was next to the field. Upstairs you had to go out onto a balcony and you could claim your shiny, gold medals. Photos were taken downstairs and all the parents were loving the medals.

Team Fox with their medals
Team Fox with their medals
Loving their medals
Loving their medals
Proud medal winners
Proud medal winners

When we had claimed our shiny, gold medals, we played on the bouncy castle with our friends. After all our tiring activities we were starving luckily there was a bbq so we had hotdogs and burgers made by John the best burger flipper Marshall!

John 'the burger flipper' Marshal
John ‘the burger flipper’ Marshall

After that lovely day we went home, happy and exhausted!

Thank you

As well as the army of helpers on the day, the Pumas Olympics wouldn’t have been possible without the efforts of one man. Ian Marshall.

Ian organised the funding for the event, came up with the activities and worked tirelessly (and nearly drowned everyone in WhatsApp messages) to make sure the event came together.

Thanks to Ian, everyone had a smashing time!

Ian - the man behind the Olympics
Ian – the man behind the Olympics


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